Bye AT&T(extremely high bills) and Hello T-Mobile(freedom)

We’ve all had our fair share of experiences dealing with companies. Whether it be companies who bring about a new form of tech every year, or to the companies that provide us with monthly services. I don’t think it’s possible that I could count how many times I’ve had to call customer service for one reason or another on one hand…and I’m 100% positive so have you. Unless you have more fingers than the average human…well then that’s another topic :)
As some of you have come to learn based off of my posts..I mostly discuss technology/web development sort of fun and my experiences! This time, I’m looking to share a POSITIVE experience I’ve had with a company.

In this day and age we practically LIVE on our cell phones. I can’t even remember the last time I used a land line…we actually don’t even have one! Ha! So, with the fact that we DO live on our cell phones it’s important to have a reliable service that is affordable, (once again, reliable) and has great things to offer!

As a former AT&T customer, my family and I had our FAIR share of issues with them. Whether it be that we were getting overcharged for the SILLIEST of things, or that our DATA usage was up to its max (when in reality it wasn’t) or that the connection was just messy!
Paying at times several hundreds of dollars a month for 2 individuals, seemed like a scam to me! But that wasn’t the worst of it. The most serious problem was the cancellation fee. Yes, we could have just whipped out our credit cards and paid it off, or we could have just waited till it cancelled but that would have been for another many years! And to top it off with all the charges we had had, ENOUGH! Plus, seriously? Those cancellation charges are absolutely insane! I understand that to the company it’s compensation for their loss for me as a “loyal” customer…but really? Shouldn’t they be offering ME money to stay? (That would be AWESOME…I think we can ALL agree :)

Some of you might say, “well you did sign the contract”. Well yes, I did sign the contract, but in exchange for my business, I was  supposedly promised great service, no overage charges and much more. So, how does it make sense that I’m paying tons of money every month and get penalized if I don’t, but if their promise doesn’t come through…there’s nothing we can do because we “signed” a contract? Yup. Not fair at all! Ah, the world of companies running the world….

So, lo and behold, a shining pink beauty to rescue us!!! Oh, T-Mobile. I could write a book on your services so far (ok, maybe not) but, you get the gist!

We were looking for a company who wasn’t too expensive. Had great service. Had no random charges and we didn’t have to buy new phones, could just bring over our other ones. OH and yes, THE most important part of this all……………..(drum roll please……………) NO CONTRACT!!!! Okay, think I am a LITTLE too excited writing this, but seriously, I am just SO happy!

Any who, not sure if many of you have heard but T-Mobile is offering this GREAT deal, that is: if you bring your business over to them, they will GLADLY pay off your cancellation fee. UM…YES PLEASE!!! And, THANK YOU of course! Now, that I have made it clear I am a loyal, HAPPY customer of T-Mobile. I’ll share some reasons why.

First off they have great discounts to offer if you work for a certain company. The company I work offer makes certain things for T-Mobile, therefore they offer perks to us and I wasn’t aware until much later but am still happy!
Secondly, they have the option to have 2 lines for just $100.00. Um, at AT&T I was paying $200.00 PLUS. (Sigh, so much money wasted) but hey, you live and you learn!
Third, it’s UNLIMITED, yes, UNLIMITED (brace yourself and grab your chair…you MIGHT just fall off) text/phone/DATA.
How many of us use our GPS, or like to browse the interent, hop on that unnecessary Facebook and stalk our friends, or Instagram etc? Yes, we are ALL guilty. So, what better way then to use all of this and spend time, and NOT having to worry about how much/too much DATA you’re using.
When I was with AT&T, I had to turn off all my apps on my iPhone in order NOT to use cellular data in case! I was just too afraid!
Fourth, how many of us listen to music? And I mean like streaming music off Pandora, Spotify or any other neat app with music. Admit it, music is life. Well maybe not, but it’s a part of our daily lives. We listen in the car, while we exercise etc.

So, I have been a customer of T-Mobile for about 5 months now. And seriously, we were both using our Spotify and Pandora. Like 24.7 We never NOT once got a message saying our DATA has been used up.
One day, we walked into a store to pay our bill and check out some phones and we were notified by a rep that T-Mobile has agreements with over 100 Music Streamers that data does NOT get used up while streaming live. SERIOUSLY JUST HAVE A DANCE PARTY by yourself NOW…but remember to sit down and finish reading :)

Well. Their customer service people are great! Friendly, knowledgable. Sure like any company there are some that are clueless, but hey, sometimes it’s the people not the company :)
Also, they paid off our bill. All you have to do is submit your paperwork of your previous company. Then you go in to a store, switch over. One thing is that you do have to buy a phone though, and exchange in your old one. It’s not a big deal because you cans imply purchase a cheap phone.

There’s many ways to go about it.
So. As this post comes to an end, I would like to THANK T-Mobile for their awesomeness.
I would like to thank YOU for reading! And, I would highly recommend that if you are drowning in your cell phone bill and feel like you are a caged being, PLEASE dance over to T-Mobile and get started with them. Then dance out of their listening to your free music..

(And no, we are not being sponsored to write this, this is simply a satisfied customer who wants to SHARE THE GOOD NEWS!)


  1. Nicely written!! Awesome!

  2. Hi Gokhan .I enjoy your posts .In all honesty I'm having the same issue. I will have to look into atat . I heard about it in the commercials but nice to hear real experiences ... Will have to check out their coverage in my area!
    Thanks .


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